
Showing posts with label Ukraine split. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine split. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Comprehending Putin: The Unconsidered Resolution for the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The statesmanlike strategist has always been set apart from ordinary ideologues and low-class politicians by his ability to assess an opponent's politico-military capabilities and, more crucially, his political thinking, strategic goals, and dispositions on the use of force.

The assessment of a country's legitimate and genuine security interests as they arise from its geopolitical position, demographics, economic and military potentials, neighbors, and other pertinent statecraft factors has always been at the core of understanding what has been called its "Strategic Culture."

In today's corrupt political power centers of the US and Europe, all of this has been fully reversed. Instead of evaluating the potential adversary, so-called national security specialists instead hate him and discount any security claims he may make. In doing so, they underestimate the enemy, exaggerate their own power, and ignore the will of the people as a whole, all driven by delusions of global domination.

In the same way, everyone who tries to understand the enemy's strategic concepts in order to avert war or, in the event that it cannot be avoided, effectively wage war, is now called a traitor, a puppet of Putin, or a turncoat who puts his own country in jeopardy.

The criteria for successful warfare – reaching politico-military objectives in the shortest possible time with minimum loss of life and damage to friend and foe – have been replaced by protracted conflict to reach dubious strategic and economic goals with no regard to lives lost, nation’s and world regions devastated.

But there can be no peace and unjust wars will continue to be fought if you do not know your enemy, take into account his strategic objectives and interests in national security, and conduct international relations policies based on accepted principles of international law and underlying ethical considerations.

The security elites in the US and Europe must accept that they made mistakes in the current Russia-Ukraine War, alienating Russia and her justifiable security needs regarding Ukraine, supporting the despicable Zelensky regime, and pursuing a harmful course of action toward the Russian Federation.

In order to put an end to the war, Zelensky and his fascist regime must be ousted, Ukraine must be split, with the conquered territories temporarily remaining under Russian control, and a new government must be established in Kiev that is able to cooperate with both the east and the west and is prepared to forgo joining NATO or engaging in any other type of military cooperation with the United States and its allies.

The further neglect of Russia’s national security interests and the continued disregard for the existential significance of Ukraine’s strategic orientation for its eastern neighbor will lead to further escalation and potentially World War III.

Comprehending Putin: The Unconsidered Resolution for the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The statesmanlike strategist has always been set apart from ordinary ideologues and low-class politicians by his ability to assess an oppone...