
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Colossal U.S. Election Fraud - When the Righteous and Virtuous are Absent the Evil Triumphs!

After four years of relentless attacks and a continuous campaign of lies and defamation against President Trump, unprecedented not only in this country but probably in all the history of democratic republics, the united left's coup attempt against Trump has culminated in an operation of colossal voter fraud. The Democrats stole an election President Trump had already won on the evening of November 3 from him.


At the present crossroads of political decay, the sinister forces are being encouraged by the swindled election success to install the usurper Biden in the White House. However, the question arises about how much further wickedness and mocking malice may transpire before everything must find its end in an apocalyptic discharge. The societal climate of utmost division and hatefulness in the U.S. has reached a regretful pinnacle of deterioration.

In the previous blog essay (, I tackled the issue of executive power and leadership in times of crises and distress for a nation. In anticipation of the chaos around the elections, I recommended early law enforcement and military measures to quell the unrest and the violence and looting by Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs around the country. I highlighted the legal and philosophical challenges of a federally organized country where, by constitutional mandate, regional politicians are not only entitled to oppose the nation's leader but may openly work against him. Initially blaming the killing of George Floyd by a police officer, the organizations mentioned earlier became movements to prepare the ground for the government's overthrow and the removal of Mr. Trump from office. It is incomprehensible why certain governors and mayors were allowed to continue their destructive practices. Shirking their responsibilities as elected officials by giving stand-down orders to law enforcement and even encouraging civil unrest and looting, legal measures, including temporary removal from office, should have stopped their destructive practices. And while President Trump and a few cabinet members warned of widespread fraud and the impending chaos tens of millions of mail-in ballots will cause, authorities did not do enough to secure fair elections. 

The OSCE (the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the world's largest security-related intergovernmental organization that comprises some 57 nation-states in Europe, North America, and Asia, could have dispatched election monitoring personnel to the U.S. It sends its election observers all over Eastern- and Southeastern Europe and, upon invitation, could certainly have provided some measure of impartiality for the elections over here.

But the public discourse in the U.S. neither mentioned the option of election observers. Nor was the alternative of an election repeat discussed - at least in the Swing States where attorneys and control agents discovered a host of irregularities and found substantial evidence of fraud, corroborated by dozens of affidavits from election officials and observers. There is now an abundance of proof (of course denied by the Biden camp and the fake news media) that tens of thousands of illegal votes were cast and that the software used to evaluate ballots in many states was flawed or deliberately hacked. Conjectures about how many votes went to Biden that were initially given to Trump range from several hundred thousand to a few million. 


Although it appears that the multi-faceted magnitude of fraud and election rigging might render revision and a win for Mr. Trump impossible, under no circumstances must he concede and let the left get away with their con operation. The Trump administration must utilize all legal measures and efforts to prevent the travesty of a Biden-Harris ticket from taking over the White House. 

If we allow this election scam to go through, the incoming Democrat administration will set the nation on a path to Marxist-globalist destruction. Biden and his team will reverse and eradicate all the success Trump has achieved in his first term – to name a few: the restructuring of the Middle East; ending of endless wars and unjust overseas military engagements; realization of energy independence for the U.S.; tax reform for corporations and individuals; unprecedented economic upswing with record employment numbers for blacks, Hispanics, women; new and improved trade deals with Canada and Mexico in replacement of the ill-conceived NAFTA; trade agreement with China; revival and defense of Christian values and social ethics; and the list could go on.

The triumph of the vile and depraved Democratic party regarding the presidency is not assured yet. And never forget we must that the evil has no existence in and by itself. It just thrives on the temporary absence of the righteous and virtuous, which I predict are about to return and will eventually prevail - must prevail as the future of this nation and our entire Western civilization is at stake!


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Charlie Hebdo, a Beheaded Teacher and the Abuse of Free Speech

Could we possibly imagine a serious ethical and moral concept that would justify the killing of a person who, under the title of artistic creativity or political freedom of expression, albeit degrading to specific individuals or groups of people, expressed his conviction? Of course not. The cruel beheading of the teacher must be condemned. There are causal explanations, but there is no excuse.

However, the outrageous act that led to the teacher's death must not conceal the fact that the teacher has done wrong. Instead of using the blasphemous Muslim Muhammad cartoons of Charlie Hebdo as an example for the violation and abuse of the freedom of expression, he used them to justify and exemplify free speech, thereby triggering a misguided radical commit a political-religiously motivated murder.

The reactions to the French teacher's beheading by an Islamic fanatic prove once again, with a few exceptions, how inadequately educated even the "educated" people are among us and to what extent they lack the capacity for critical thinking.

It should be every educator's task to convey that freedom of expression is not absolute and, therefore, not unlimited. As in all other areas of human activity, free speech must be limited by the demands for the responsible exercise of human freedom. Elsewhere I have outlined the connection between freedom and responsibility and have indeed made clear that both are only two sides of the same coin. We cannot think of freedom without responsibility, and responsibility is null and void if someone is not free to act. The liberty of man is thus about responsible freedom. Irresponsible freedom – arbitrariness, that is, to do what one will, manifesting itself in unrestricted ego-centrism – gives only the illusion of freedom. Whoever is a prisoner of his impulses and indifferent selfishness is not free; instead, he is taken hostage by his own morally deficient personality. 


From my essay on the Crisis of Morality: "True human freedom is finite freedom, limited by the conditions of social coexistence and the legitimate aspirations of all other individuals. We must not mistake freedom as independence from everything, but rather has to be considered as a choice to something."

From this quotation, it becomes clear that our responsibility as human beings extends to all other human beings and living organisms in every social and political context, as they acquire relevance regarding our actions. The boundary between our freedom and the freedom of every other person, expressed in a formal and universally applicable way, is what we commonly refer to as justice. 


Injustice is, therefore, the extension of one's freedom beyond the bounds of justice into the realm of the freedom of another, preventing them from making use of their choice. If we meet the demands of justice by our own will, we exercise ethical and moral righteousness. This declaration also lays down the legislature's enduring task to determine at any time and any place the legitimate claims for freedom of everyone in relevant existential contexts and to lay them down as statutes of law. The application of justice is dynamic since it must consider the development of human coexistence and the respective contexts, but the idea of justice is timeless and immutable. This truth also explains why positive legislation that loses sight of this normative principle can embody wrong - as has happened so often in history. 


Consequently, it becomes clear how completely irresponsible and thus (morally) unjustified any form of blasphemy is, since it affects the religious practitioner in his legitimate claim to freedom, without any justification for this interference. Even if a legal stipulation (either immoral or ill-conceived) would allow and thus lawfully condone blasphemy; it is never ethically justified to mock or ridicule other people's faith. Provoking Muslims by making fun of their Prophet Muhammad is just about as out of place as provoking Christians by mocking Jesus Christ in works of satire and art. In Paris, Charlie Hebdo was misguided and irresponsible when he taunted Islam's religious figures in his satirical magazine, as was Ms. Pamela Geller in her cartoon contest "Draw Muhammad" in Garland, Texas. In both cases, the agitators hid behind misinterpretations of the principle of free expression, whether in a misguided understanding of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution or in neglect of the moral-philosophical ideal that dictates responsible action.

Genuinely free and entirely responsible people have long understood that responsible behavior is never merely exhausted by complying with the law. They comprehended that the legal provision lays down, first and foremost, the conditions that someone does not have to suffer, while moral responsibility determines what we must do and how we should act.



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