
Showing posts with label ochlocracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ochlocracy. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2020

A Nation Threatened by Ignorance

The ancient adage of how easily the political system of Democracy can degenerate into its evil opposite, an Ochlocracy, a reign of the mob, materializes in the reality of our everyday lives. 

What we see unfolding before our own eyes in almost schoolbook-like perfection is something I've considered possible only as speculation of reason, something that could merely exist as an ideal representation in political philosophy. Yet, here it is. We witness in actuality what happens when a society no longer comes to terms with the crucial social ingredient of any democratically organized collectivity of people – human freedom and its complement, individual responsibility – and succumbs to an orgy of lawlessness and mayhem.


Mob Rule and the Plebeians of our Day

But the potential taking over of the country by the mob has not come about overnight, and if ever, will not vanish overnight. I have warned of the imminent 'mental dictatorship' and the looming 'ideological despotism' by the leftist mob in my post of January 31, 2017, entitled "The Tyranny of the Mob."

In it, I also explained a phenomenon that has gained a prominent position in our time. The mob, the plebeians of our day, are no longer a class of citizens unable to read or write like in ancient times. Today the unruly crowd is built by all those ill-educated and ignorant, intellectually and morally wanting individuals that come from all strata of society – workers and teachers, journalists, academics, scientists, and politicians. Among that vast group of misguided people, I count many if not most of the Democrats in both Senate and Congress, but also neoconservatives among the Republicans and the neoliberal nomenclature in the State Department and other governmental bodies, not to speak of the vast majority of faculty at the institutions of higher learning. 

However, never before has the harm caused by political illiteracy and moral confusion been so immense that it pushes the country to the brink of destruction. The misconceptions regarding the ontology of political and social coexistence have reached alarming and fundamentally threatening heights. I tackled the beginnings of the mania that has brought the U.S. and, albeit to a lesser degree, Europe to the current state of affairs in my blog essay of November 2015, addressing the fallacies and educational delusions that have brought us to the present point of societal disintegration

Consequently, I bet I would not find one single person among the peacefully protesting and the looting, plundering, and killing hordes of recent weeks, whose awareness would contain a sound political philosophy for human and social existence. And it wouldn't make any difference whether I chose somebody from the more erudite echelons of the protesters, such as college graduates and studied people, mayors and congressmen/women, senators, media people, or less educated participants.

They have all succumbed to the imposition of a 'Culture of Insanity' that has suffocated the minimal reasonableness required for stable social coexistence. By pretending to protest against alleged systemic anti-black racism in the police force in the wake of a black man's murderous killing by a white police officer, demonstrations and riots broke out all across the country. For the most part, law enforcement condemned to stand down by Democrat governors and mayors and let looting and plundering take place unobstructed had to look on as the breakdown of law and order unfolded on an astonishing scale.

Soon, it became clear that the mob, acting under the pretense of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was out to accomplish something utterly different. As their indifference toward black-on-black violence and the untenable position of disadvantaged blacks in society demonstrates, they instrumentalize the issue of alleged anti-black systemic racism for an issue quite distinct.

The Aim and Purpose of the Radical Leftism

Once calls to defund the police had become ubiquitous in leftist circles, and the mob had begun to establish anarchistic self-government zones and purge the nation's history by destroying historical monuments, the real objective of their lawlessness became transparent. It is all about the profound disruption of national cohesion to overthrow the government, get rid of President Trump, transform the US-American political system into a secularist Marxist-Socialist collective, devoid of its Christian social ethics, and led and governed by a forever-majority of Democrats in the central institutions of political power. 

We are watching a mighty nation soon either descend into a new civil war or fall otherwise apart, a fate awaiting any country that renounces law and order and gives up its monopoly of power and force. Can the destruction of this nation be the objective aimed at by the broader circles of leftism and progressive political quarters in this nation?

No longer can there be any uncertainty about it. The proponents of this mob rule seem to think that abolishing law enforcement and engaging in social experiments on dealing with crime and transgressions would lead to new and possibly more humane ways of governance. 

In their ideological delusion, they think that the arrangement of peaceful social coexistence and the political structures and institutions it requires could be subject to trial and error. Can they possibly believe that attempts at self-organizing and self-governing will bring about improved ways of governance? The ugly leftism's propaganda heads already created a new catchphrase for their policing utopia: Reimagining public safety. They indeed appear to be utterly ignorant that breaking the monopolization of force by the State and dissolving the structures of law and order can only lead to chaos and the overall deterioration of life-quality and the destruction of social peace. A fact that was almost immediately proven by how the community experiment of CHOD in Seattle ended.

In combination with moral deficiencies, a dreadful blend of ignorance has taken hold in this country whose population is facing the results of decade-long indoctrination and an education devoid of classical erudition. Only thus can the disregard for the wisdom of the grand traditions of classical liberal arts and the unbending desire for the destruction of monuments as an attempt to eradicate objectionable history as judged from the angle of ideological prejudice be explained. 

What we witness happens when the common ground of foundational moral and civic values in society gets lost. The minimal common denominator for what is right and wrong, lawful and unlawful, good and bad, which is a prerequisite for any permanent structure of communal coexistence, has been terminated by the described culture of ill-education and indoctrination. I dedicated an entire blog post in March 2015, "The Crisis of Morality," to this ontological phenomenon and explained what happens when the crisis of morality manifests itself to such a profound degree as it does currently in the U.S. and many other western nations

What unites today's mob members up to the highest positions of political representation is their colossal ignorance regarding human nature. As logical inference, overcoming their lack of understanding regarding the social and political arrangements is indispensable for prosperous and potentially peaceful social coexistence. 


Commanding the State of National Emergency

The mayhem of the past few months laid open a severe weakness in the United States' constitutional legislation as well, an aspect nobody in the public realm has yet acknowledged or dared to mention.

This weakness pertains to the question of a functioning hierarchy in situations of national distress. The rift between federal (the President) and regional (the governors), as well as local (the mayors) authorities, demonstrated the lack of specific constitutional provisions for clear leadership responsibilities in situations of national distress. 

Already the back and forth between the President and local authorities during the COVID-Pandemic and the want for an explicit command hierarchy gave a taste of how bad the situation can be. The grave national security crisis unfolding in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by a police officer moved this issue even further to the forefront. 

The lawlessness of recent weeks ruthlessly reflected the deficiencies concerning emergency decision power. Several left-wing governors (i.e., California, Minnesota, Oregon) and mayors (i.e., Chicago, Denver, New York City, Portland, Seattle), acted at will in apparent contradiction to policy directives of the White House and nearly turned their areas of responsibility into war zones. With impunity, they did so for partisan expedience, out of ideological absurdity, or to spite the President. The President's occasional mobilization of national guard troops and the passing of executive orders to protect historical monuments might have prevented the worst from happening. However, the overall state of domestic political affairs of recent weeks with violence and mayhem still dominating many cities is unacceptable.

It seems no longer to be part of educated awareness that the longstanding wisdom of political philosophy and state theory has already resolved this issue profoundly. 

Every government that wants to be capable of decisive action in circumstances of utmost national distress and emergency must include a 'dictatorial element' in its constitution. Indeed, although it might hurt democratic prejudice, truly exceptional situations require the temporary negation of democratic principles and the independence of the supreme executive from legislative majority approval. If the bonum commune means something, even the most hard-core egalitarians in democratic societies must come to terms with this seemingly paradoxical assumption - which neither the founding fathers nor contemporary lawmakers seem to have acknowledged. But this condition might have to change now, where the nation's survival as a homogenous political body is at stake. 

In the U.S., while the constitution gives special powers to the executive in emergency times, Congress can terminate such emergency declaration by joint resolution. The National Emergency Act (of 1976) grants special powers to the President but ties the invocation of this crisis empowerment to certain procedural formalities. And as far as invoking martial law is concerned, both President and Congress can impose it. Besides, the Posse Comitatus legislation impairs the President's powers to use federal military forces for domestic security reasons. There is no clear preponderance on the part of the Head Executive of the Nation, in situations of national distress, to act unilaterally and decide independently of immediate legislative constraint. Lawmakers must not confuse or misinterpret the fact that the President's accountability as the Supreme Leader never ceases. The answerability for his actions in the exceptional cases of national distress has to come after resolving the crisis. Still, it must not hinder his immediate powers to act in difficult situations. 

An attentive observer of recent political developments in the U.S. cannot doubt the legitimacy of the claim to significantly strengthen and centralize the President's executive powers for situations of utter national distress. Yet, it is doubtful that politicians and governmental advisory bodies, in their usual erudite shortcomings, will enact the necessary legislation to give the President sufficient executive powers to override resistance from regional and local authorities in exceptional situations of national agony. 

Future Prospect and Solution

What went down in the past few months in this country leaves no doubt that the fact who commands the situation of national emergency is of paramount importance for the survival of a nation, democratically organized or not.

But what solution is there in the face of the violent attitude and doctrinaire aggressiveness of the left? Political discourse no longer seems to be an option, given that leftism suffocates even the slightest deviation from their notions, both by word and violent deed. It provides little consolation to know why the left has to be intolerant and autocratic – not one of their arguments and claims can withstand earnest critique and hold up to the scrutiny of social and political reality. It is one of the reasons why leftism always wants to eradicate history and focus on the future. Any historical experience available is evidence for the failure of socialism and the poor results of its reign. 

As far as Ochlocracy is concerned, the ancient philosophers already warned us that the only way out of the Mob Rule is the tyrannis. The strike of the iron fist is needed to defeat anarchy and restore law and order. It appears as if this role will inevitably fall to President Trump as the last hope for this nation to avoid outright civil war. And even more critical, to prevent the installation of a godless, collectivist, and culturally destructive communist-type despotism from taking place, which will be the inevitable consequence if the Democrats take over the White House and probably even the Senate in the fall. 

There are barely four months left till the presidential elections in November, and the ochlocratic state in many areas and institutions of the country has reached an appalling level. Civil unrest has continued for weeks and doesn't seem to lessen. Mostly Democrat governors and regional politicians are doubling down on their support for rioters and lawbreakers. Even certain Republican politicians and, of course, Never-Trumpers prop up the claims of the revolutionary inclined followers of Black Lives Matter and other radical formations.

In their hatred of President Trump, the radical left is bent on removing him from office at all costs, even at this nation's perishment. They have pushed this country almost to the point of no return. With every day going by that leaves the lawlessness and outright insurgent activity of the mob unanswered, it will become more challenging to return the entire country to stability. 

Restoring order might require extensive use of force, both law enforcement and military. Probably, even martial law and temporary military rule in certain areas are not out of the question.

However, although it is somewhat pathological, it is interesting to note that precisely the media proponents of the mob, in the concrete case, CNN, have already called for martial law. The usual strategy out of the leftist playbook is on full display – to project and reflect their guilt and wrongdoing on the opposition and forestall measures and actions predictably used against them.

The leftist mob and their enablers in the Democratic and Anti-Trump establishment are aware of the decisiveness of the hour. They will not come to their senses unless the mob ceases their lawless activities because of exhaustion and fatigue, or the iron fist will strike to save the nation from itself.


A grueling and costly path lies ahead if the country wants to return to its more traditional political order and its Christian roots. We will soon learn whether or not it is already too late.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Destructiveness of Unfettered Progress - How the Moral and Intellectual Bankrupcy of the Left Destroys this Nation

The idea that change and progress can be potentially destructive and represent decline and decadence goes back to Plato. In essence and applied to our time, outlined mostly in his dialogue 'Timaios,' the underpinning thought is that social and political evolution must always be tempered and corrected by the ideal ontological concepts of man and the various manifestations of his coexistence.


 The ancients also made us aware that a democratic republic is in constant danger of perishing due to the inability to deal responsibly with the core element of its political system - liberty. They showed us clearly that once a democracy transforms itself into an OCHLOCRACY, the reign of the mob, it is on its best way to coming apart.


When the mob of a society floods the streets, negates the laws and the order their elected representatives have stipulated for that very society, the state of political affairs has reached the eleventh hour. When the proletariat attempts to intimidate the government and openly threatens to overthrow it, the social community is about to descend into chaos and ungovernability. What awaits is tyranny!


This development is precisely the reason why so many commentators speak of an imminent civil war in the U.S. I felt compelled to point out that more than a year ago when the country faced the hatred and nasty obstructionism of the left in the wake of their loss in the presidential elections (


 As I pointed out, the stunning fact in the U.S.' case is that the societal mob does not only consist of disgruntled blue-collar workers or angry hordes of jobless people but rather recruits from all strata of society. It is made up and even led and represented by elected officials of the Democratic Party, supported by many neoconservatives and so-called Never-Trumpers and a considerable portion of the mainstream media and exponents of academia the world of arts and culture.


Examples of the rants of renowned people who have apparently lost their minds and probably never had morals are aplenty. They prove how unhinged and utterly unacceptable the discourse on the political left has become:

  • Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who encouraged violent harassment of Trump supporters and White House Staff.
  • Republican Senator Jeff Flake, Trump back-stabber and open-border advocate.
  • HBO show host Bill Maher wished the economy to crash and the country to fail to get rid of Trump.
  • Hollywood actor Robert de Niro, talking in front of high school kids of the elected president as a 'soulless, amoral, abusive, con-artist SOB.'


A significant part of the electorate shows disrespect for political institutions, offices, and regulations. Even worse, many elected representatives of both parties in executive and legislature at federal and regional levels do the same. They negate one of the prime features of democratic republics: that governing regimes alternate due to periodic electoral decisions. Without a doubt, ill-education and wrong morality have penetrated all strata of society.


 I gave an account of how immoral the political dialogue has become shortly after President Trump took office. Once the desperation of the far-Left had shown its real fascist face (, I made clear what brought about this sheer ubiquitous political illiteracy. I blamed the lack of classical art instruction as the primary cause for the utter lack of philosophical depth and wisdom in many areas of US-American politics.


 Let's make no mistake. Despite rapid technological advancements and the globalized connectedness of nations and peoples, only against the backdrop of a century-old and even millennia-old can the core elements of our civilizational social and political arrangements be understood appropriately. The condition of the human being per se – aside from driving cars, using smartphones, and moving in airplanes from continent to continent – has not changed.


We avail over the same faculties. We face identical physical and emotional needs. Besides a more substantial oeuvre of historical experience and scientific knowledge, human reasoning and the capacity for moral judgment have not improved. The hubris of progressivism is not only unwarranted but dangerous if developing unfettered and immune to the eternal wisdom of human efforts generated in philosophy, religion, and the fine arts.


 The most recent and still ongoing proof to that effect is the widespread ignorance regarding open borders and the bias in extending constitutional citizen rights onto not only foreigners who come to visit or temporarily work here but even onto individuals who entered and remain in the country illegally. It culminates in calls for abolishing ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, as the new battle-cry of the radical left.


 In their desperation over Trump being president and, in several policy areas relevant to people, quite successful at it, the progressives move ever further to the left. But as we know, in these times of deranged minds and hearts, hateful obstructionism, and fabricated false news and accusation, there is no limit as to how far the left can go. And the further the left moves leftwards, the more space is being built for blaming even the most reasonable political stances as far-right.


While the lunacy of the radical left seems to know no bounds, quite a few people recovered their senses and fled the Democratic Party. New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind of Brooklyn went public and told Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in an open letter that he will support President Trump and Republicans until "sanity and honesty to the Democratic Party" have been restored. Hikind accuses Schumer of launching "hard-right attacks" in a recent mailer while ignoring President Trump's "multiple policy victories." Hikind particularly mentions the unemployment at its lowest in decades and economic confidence at a 17-year high, including a record low for minorities.


 But these encouraging signs cannot deceive over the fact that for the left – including the neo-liberals and large cohorts of the neo-conservatives – the political struggle has become genuinely existential. As they are looking at the wreckage of their failed policies - pernicious globalist imperialism of interventions and regime-change operations in international relations; deconstruction of Christian values and weakening of the Westphalia Nation-State System domestically - they become ever more desperate. By the way, their policies' apparent failure was the actual reason why Donald Trump and conservative political administrations in Europe got elected.


The left claims that they occupy the moral and intellectual high ground in politics. In reality, they are only moralizing without having morals. Life's reality denies their social and political theories the only real proof for any intellectual concept's correctness – validation by success and improvement of human living conditions continuously at any level of coexistence.


 But the left's minds and hearts are neither troubled by the constant falsification of their theories by the chaos they create in real life, nor are they disturbed by the moral depravity of their positions. If it suits their goals, they disparage the sensible as reprehensible, the good as bad, and the American (or civilized) as un-American (or uncivilized). Their existential instinct to survive at all costs makes them relentless in their pursuit to bring down political opponents and whoever and whatever else might stand in their way. It also hinders them from acknowledging the deprivation their progressive policies have brought over the U.S. and the entire Western civilization.


Indeed, Plato was right when he envisioned that progress must not be confused with improvement and betterment. If progress is pushed at all cost and develops unrestrained, without constructive criticism, and without being gauged against the backdrop of the timeless notions of justice and morality, it becomes a destructive and evil force. We have witnessed this development in recent years, if not decades, but it has accelerated to unsavory dimensions ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential elections.

 At least intuitively, the silent majority of Americans and people who live in western countries seem to be mindful of the wicked ways of the left and the damage caused to our societies' fabric. They voted accordingly and will continue to do so. But the struggle reached existential significance as to the future of our civilizational development – in this country and beyond.

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The statesmanlike strategist has always been set apart from ordinary ideologues and low-class politicians by his ability to assess an oppone...