
Showing posts with label EU immigration challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EU immigration challenge. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2015

Immigration - US and Europe Governed by Lunacy

If one wants to find evidence for the headline's adequacy, one only has to look at the issue of immigration on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. Buried under would-be compassion and alleged humaneness, the self-destruction of Western culture is pushed forward at a mind-boggling pace. 

Can Europe Survive This Invasion? Asks Pat Buchanan in a column of November 9th, pointing out that the wave of immigrants released on Europe are not Christians, but Arabs, Africans, and Muslims. If the E.U. keeps its borders open, the immigration of hundreds of thousands per year will alter European civilization's face, if not destroy it. As far as the U.S. is concerned, the immigrants (ab)using the reckless immigration policy of the current administration come with an increasing tendency from different cultures and religions.

What underlies these suicidal tendencies is the increasing disregard for the political's ontological principles - to paraphrase the title of Carl Schmitt's major work. The real insanity has to be seen in the softening, if not negation of the significant parameters - territorycitizens, legal order - of the nation-state, combined and held together by a separation of powers and a monopolization of force, as one of the most outstanding political achievements of occidental rationalism. While globalist tendencies in communication and commerce transcend the nation-state's sovereignty, the significance of borders and a clear legal demarcation between citizens and non-citizens by way of immigration legislation is indispensable for the cohesion of societies that determine and organize themselves within the confines of the nation-state concept.

It is worth noting that, although the constitutional dimension of separation of powers is not necessarily equally developed and embraced everywhere, the nation-state concept has been victorious throughout the world. Even Islamic societies organized themselves following the western model and established nation-states, by which they conduct their domestic and international relations. As such, they are present at the United Nations or any other international forum for that matter. 

The western world's pernicious tendency to self-destruct appears to be driven by egalitarianism and democratic utopianism. But to renounce the great past of its history of ideas will come at the cost of its demise. In a blog I wrote back in 2010 (, on the occasion of a regretful decision of a federal judge to turn down a specific immigration law in Arizona, I commented in-depth on the difference of what I termed the traditional versus the cosmopolitan approach in politics. 

The misunderstanding, if not total ignorance, regarding the vital ontological implications of human existence, undoubtedly result of inadequate socialization and education of elites as well as the public, by and large, is to be blamed for the terrible and highly damaging domestic as well as foreign policies carried out by most political entities of the West in recent decades.

Once the 'Political' is no longer considered based on human affairs' inner ontological conditions but is considered something to be arbitrarily constructed, we reach the state of delusion and ignorance that characterizes the policies of current political administrations in both the U.S. and Europe. 

I have provided reflections on Western society's philosophical challenges in a comprehensive essay entitled "Asymmetry and Western Society - Culture-Critical Reflections," in Schroefl/Cox/Pankratz, Winning the Asymmetric War, Peter Lang Publishers, Frankfurt 2009, pp. 23-34.)

It is high time to counter the suicidal tendencies as displayed in the United States and the European Union's immigration policies. The survival of Western Civilization, on the whole, is at stake.

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